- [email protected]
- Monday - Friday: 09.00 AM - 05:00 PM
The keystone project of our organization is the employment of our Health Promoters (HPs), who are local women originally from the low-income communities they serve. The HPs are trained and educated by doctors, communication, elementary physiology and anatomy, elementary nutrition, malaria eradication, hygiene, body systems, home-made ORS preparations, disease spread and health promotion. There is a written test every month on both nutrition and medicine in order for the HPs to retain and update their knowledge.
The HPs receive a bonus for each child who reaches the green zone in their area, as well as a bonus for extraordinary grades in academic testing.
Health promoters go in pairs, along with the supervision of a senior staff member, to the households of their assigned communities to monitor the weight of the child according to the age, survey, observe, counsel, and listen to the issues faced by the residents.
Presentation classes of health promoters are taken everyday in which they present the topics assigned by the senior staff. Presentation classes help health promoters to recapitulate the topics taught in previous classes and also helps them to boost their confidence.
The main goals of the health promoters is to reduce the infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate, and ensure every child under the age of five year falls within a healthy weight category.
The Health Promoters duties are to:
Child Activist Program (CAP)
The Child Activist Program (CAP) began in 2009 and is led by the Health Promoters is for children between the ages of 9 and 14. CAP is held Monday to Friday and its goals are: to educate, develop their social skills and leadership skills, and to promote sportsmanship and team spirit.
Some activities that are done in CAP are: teaching the children to make Oral Rehydration Solution, demonstrating proper oral hygiene practices, explaining what foods make up a balanced diet, explaining the sources and importance of iron, vitamin A, iodine, and vitamin C through interactive games, and explaining the cause of and prevention for diseases like dengue and chikungunya, and typhoid through fun and interactive games.
The first four Wednesdays of every month a team of health workers from the Punjab Government ANM (activated nurse midwives) holds an immunization clinic in Kali Mata mandir temple in Janta Colony. DIR serves wheat porridge to all the children and pregnant mothers who come for immunizations. Health Promoters are at the clinic to coordinate the flow of traffic, distribute medication, and record immunizations received on each child’s health chart. In the days leading up to clinics, HPs visit the parents of children due for shots to advise them to take their children to the clinic. At the clinic, pregnant women are given TT shots, and children are given oral immunizations and vaccinations including pentavalent, BCG, rotavirus, measles, and hepatitis B. DIR works to ensure 100% immunization rate in its target areas for pregnant women and children up to five years of age.
DIR launched its Vitamin A program at the end of January 2015. DIR
linked up with the international NGO Vitamin Angels in order to reduce Vitamin A deficiency in children under 5 year of age. We began the launch of Vitamin A immunization through talks and demonstration by educating the mothers on the deficiency of vitamin A can lead to blindness and skin diseases. A large number of mothers were made aware about the new Vitamin A capsules which come in two strengths, 100,000 units meant for children less than 12 months of age and 200,000 units for children between 1 year to 5 years of age. These doses are given twice a year ,one after every six months. On the first day of the launch 31 children were immunized. A successful message was spread in the Basti that all mothers came on their own to get their kids immunized for Vitamin A.
DSM Pharmaceutical Company based in Switzerland, one of the largest manufacturing units of Vitamins and supplements in the world, donated vitamin A capsules and deworming medicine for children under 5 years of age and supplements for pregnant mothers.
The Technical Team of DSM Pharmaceutical Company also showed interest in seeing the distribution of these medicines at ground level. The Indian team of Vitamin A Angels chose DIR-India as an ideal NGO, to be visited by their various international teams.
International teams of Vitamin A Angels based in California, Canada, Europe and Asia were among the visitors. International team of Vitamin Angels accompanied by the technical team of DSM Pharmaceutical Company visited Dhanas and Janta Colony. They also visited a few homes in Basti and appreciated the influence and field work done by the Health-Promoters along with the senior team members.
Along with weighing records of the children under 5 years of age, Health Promoters and senior staff take the committee meetings in their respective areas. Field work is supervised by Dieticians and Public Health Doctors to assess and guide the family on a low cost high protein diet. Committee meetings consist of 11-12 women of the respective areas of health promoters. Field training is given on ground, and general awareness is spread on ORS, seasonal diseases like Dengue, Malaria, water borne diseases and all other communicable and non- communicable diseases through committee meetings.
During COVID-19 pandemic, in the months of January and February 2020, frequent committee meetings were held, both in Janta Colony and Dhanas, to educate the Basti people and make them aware of the deadly virus.
Health Promoters made charts and posters on the COVID-19 Pandemic, to give a photographic image of the disease, which made a deeper impact on the Basti crowd. Emphasis was laid on the prevention of the disease by educating them on the importance of repeatedly hand washing covering the mouth and nose by wearing masks in public places and maintaining a social distance of minimum six feet.
Developing Indigenous Resources India (DIR-INDIA) is a Non-Profit and Charitable trust .
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